Saturday, December 11, 2010

Finals...Ah I think I'll go ski POW!

With the end of the school semester here the library fills up and people in Boulder begin to stress out about grades and things they should have done earlier in the year. I chose to take a different route. I look at it as a time without assignments due or new things to learn in class. In other words I take it as a time to ski. With all my fellow classmates dwelling in books, I woke up Tuesday (12/7) to ( new inches in Vail and a ride on the first bus to the Vista Bahn. My ski team coach Palmer and I, along with two other friends headed to the infamous East Vail to see what we couldn't find.

We we found a lot more than 9 inches, (knee to waist deep) and soft landings. It was my first trip out there this year and it was as good as my days in March last year. December has been great to us for far and I can only hope that it keeps up.

As I drove out of Boulder this morning at 6am with hope that the storm that had been the talk of colorado for the past week had delivered, that and to beat traffic (I didn't), I was anxious to see if today would compare to Tuesday. Then about at Silverthorne the news came over the radio that Breck reported 14 new inches, (@ 530) and the anticipation for the day immediately set in. We got to Breck and be-lined it to the T-Bar (30 min wait) and waited trying to imagine what it was like up there. Amazing, magical and possibly even spiritual were the words of the lifty as we loaded the T-bar. An it was nothing short of all of those, we took two laps down what I call the knoll on Horseshoe bowl, first tracks down this region at 930, hell yes.

We dropped in an it was bottomless; submarining under the snow and coming up for air (and a quick yell) and back in again. All smiles and a snowy face at the bottom only to get back in lines for seconds, which were only tracked by us in the same zone. The second run, as good if not better than the first.

A picture we took that gives the day no way near the credit it deserves

The rest of the day was spent in and out of the trees from Peak 8 and over to Chair E finding the remains of the 14+ inches that we were granted.

Overall it was a great week leading up to winter break, my only hope is that it keeps dumping.

Bring it on La Nina.

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